Dear Jackie,

Your decision write about Ty Mitchell's take on the FOSTA-SESTA (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act and the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act) is inspiring if only for the length of the name alone. I had the opportunity of reading the article myself, and while Mitchell writes from more of a personal stance it is important to not ignore the articles he uses to support his stance against the bill. One article he uses comes from Amnesty International which clarifies why Mitchell and the organization support the decriminalization of sex work "It does not mean the removal of laws that criminalize exploitation, human trafficking or violence against sex workers. These laws must remain and can and should be strengthened. It does mean the removal of laws and policies criminalizing or penalizing sex work". If sex work is legalized laws are introduced to control it as lawmakers see fit, whereas decriminalization allows sex workers more autonomy and access to health benefits. Like you mentioned, trafficking is a horrific abuse of human rights and neither Mitchell nor the lawmakers for FOSTA-SESTA want a future where it exists. Yet, there has to be some compromise between protecting individuals from trafficking and protecting sex workers who maintain an ethical business, which is why other options such as decriminalization deserve a chance to be explored.

You are sensational, keep up the great writing,



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