Welcome Aboard

Hello and welcome,

My name is Stephen, I also go by Esteban or the gender-neutral "shame to our country". If you're wondering why I chose to go with the name "The Political Cynic" it is not merely because all the good names are taken, rather, it is a combination of the latter and how I align myself with the current state of politics in America. The word cynic derives from the Greek word "kynikos" which roughly means dog or dog-like. A famous Greek philosopher by the name of Diogenes the Cynic embraced the word, saying "Other dogs bite their enemies, I bite my friends to save them". While Diogenes probably had no friends, he did have a point. It is more fruitful to get to the heart of the matter than to lash out at another party. In the same manner, I hope my writing reflects this philosophy. I look forward to seeing what the future state of politics holds.

Sincerely cynical,



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